routing information protocol
Routing Information Protocol

1. (RIP) A distance vector, as opposed to {link
state}, routing protocol. RIP is an Internet standard
Interior Gateway Protocol defined in STD 34, RFC 1058
and updated by RFC 1388.

See also Open Shortest Path First.

2. (RIP) A companion protocol to IPX for
exchange of routing information in a Novell network.
RIP has been partly superseded by NLSP. It is not related
to the Internet protocol of the same name.

podobné slovodefinícia
routing information protocol
Routing Information Protocol

1. (RIP) A distance vector, as opposed to {link
state}, routing protocol. RIP is an Internet standard
Interior Gateway Protocol defined in STD 34, RFC 1058
and updated by RFC 1388.

See also Open Shortest Path First.

2. (RIP) A companion protocol to IPX for
exchange of routing information in a Novell network.
RIP has been partly superseded by NLSP. It is not related
to the Internet protocol of the same name.


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